Annual budgets, costs and claims

Each year we publish data on MPs’ total staffing and business costs for the previous financial year. You can download all the data in a spreadsheet using the options below.

Annual publication image

Total spend

This represents MPs’ spending against each of their budgets – including office costs, staffing, accommodation, and travel – for each financial year. The maximum budgets available to each MP were not published before 2013-14.

Other financial data – salaries, staffing, and loans

This annual data includes MPs’ salaries, London-area living payments, information about connected parties employed by MPs, including their salary ranges, MPs’ staff job titles, and the total amount of reward and recognition payments made by MPs to their staff. It also includes any deposit loans MPs have had with IPSA and any written-off debts. Also published are resettlement and loss-of-office payments (LOOP).

Since 2017 LOOP has been paid to MPs who had held their seats for a continuous period of at least two years and who lost their seats in a General Election but did not stand down.

MPs who lost their seats in the May 2015 General Election were eligible for a resettlement payment of up to six months' annual salary unless they stood down.

Individual business costs

This data – released and updated every two months – includes details of all publishable claims for all MPs for a financial year. Some information is withheld for reasons of security or data protection. The spreadsheets available for the two most recent financial years might not yet reflect the final positions for those years.

Find out more about what MPs spend public money on.

You can also visit our Other payment data page to find out more about how we publish details of security and disability assistance costs, as well as winding-up payments, and debts that have been written off.

Learn about MPs’ claims

Discover how and why MPs claim for their staffing and business costs.

Read about MPs’ staffing and business costs

Other payment data

Read about how we publish details of security and disability costs, any debts written-off, as winding-up and Capital Gains payments.

Visit Other payment data