Details of eligibility for loss of office payments for MPs who chose to step down at an election


  1. How much Anne Milton, former MP for Guildford, might expect to receive;

  2. Whether this would include what might be understood as the equivalent of a redundancy payment, and

  3. The amount which would be paid


IPSA holds some of the information you have requested.

There are three categories of financial support and payments available: loss of office payment; winding-up funds and a winding-up payment.

Loss of office payments

MPs will be eligible to receive a loss-of-office payment if they lose their seat at a general election, meaning that they were an MP on the day before the dissolution of Parliament, and a candidate for re-election for the same seat, but not re-elected. MPs will only be eligible for a loss-of-office payment if they have held office for a continuous period of at least two years at the point they lose their seats.

Winding-up budget

Financial support is also available through the ‘winding-up budget’ to former MPs following a general election either because they have not stood for election or because they have lost their seat at the election. It is also available to MPs who cease to be an MP during a Parliament.

The winding-up budget is designed to meet the costs of completing the outstanding parliamentary functions of former MPs. This includes the costs of closing down constituency offices.

Winding-up payment

MPs who lose their seats also receive a winding-up payment (different from the winding-up budget. The winding-up payment is calculated based on two months’ net salary and is intended to provide financial support to MPs while they are closing down their parliamentary affairs.

The conditions which need to be met before any of these payments are made, and the basis for calculation are set out in Chapter 8 of the Scheme of MPs’ Business Costs and Expenses, 2019-2020, published on the IPSA website.

As information about eligibility and how payments are calculated is available on our website, it is exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), because this information is accessible to you.

Ms Milton is standing in the forthcoming election. Eligibility and the amount of any loss of office or winding-up payments which may be due are dependent on the results of the election.

IPSA does not, therefore, hold the information which you have requested concerning Ms Milton.

29 November 2019
Exemptions Applied: