Details of information held by IPSA about Open Democracy


I wish to request the following under the freedom of Information Act:

  1. All correspondence between IPSA and the far left George Soros funded lobby group Open Democracy and IPSA.

  2. All information held by IPSA on the far left George Soros funded lobby group Open Democracy.

  3. All information held on Open Democracy's linked charity Open Trust.

  4. All notes of meetings and telephone calls with the far left George Soros funded campaign group Open Democracy.

  5. All notes of internal meetings or phone calls concerning the far left George Soros funded campaign group Open Democracy.


IPSA holds some of the information that you request.

IPSA’s correspondence with Open Democracy extends only insofar as our handling of requests for information from the group.

IPSA has already published much of the correspondence we have had with Open Democracy on our website.

The additional correspondence accompanies this response.

I can confirm that we do not hold any other notes of any meetings or telephone calls with Open Democracy, and we do not hold any information on Open Democracy’s links with Open Trust.

We have withheld some information from this correspondence in accordance with s.40 FOIA (Personal Information). Further information on the application of this exemption can be found below.

Exemptions applied

Section 40 – Personal information

Information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person is ‘personal data’, as defined by the General Data Protection Principle (GDPR).

Section 40(2) of the FOIA provides that personal information is exempt information if:

(a) it constitutes personal data; and

(b) the condition set out in s. 40(3A)(a) of FOIA is satisfied, namely that disclosure to a member of the public would contravene any of the data protection principles in the GDPR.

In our view (a) is satisfied because the information sought by you relates to an identifiable, living individual, and (b) is also satisfied because disclosure would breach the first data protection principle in Article 5(1)(a) of the GDPR, which requires that personal information is processed fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner; processing includes disclosure.

In relation to fairness, IPSA is required to process personal data in a manner in which people, would reasonably expect.

We do not consider it within the reasonable expectations of third parties engaged in or named in the correspondence, that their personal information would be disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, which is deemed to be disclosure to the world at large.

As such, we are obliged to withhold the information from disclosure under section 40(2) of the FOIA.

This part of the section 40 exemption is an absolute exemption and so no consideration of public interest arguments for and against disclosure is required.

This concludes our response to your request.

30 July 2019
Exemptions Applied:
Section 40