Details of Hugh Gaffney MP’s expense claims
You requested information about all of Mr Hugh Gaffney, MP’s expense claims.
IPSA holds the information you request.
Details of all claims made by MPs under the MPs’ Scheme of Business Costs and Expenses (‘the Scheme’) are published on our publication website every two months, which is four to five months after they were processed by IPSA. This includes information on the expense type, the amount and whether the claim was paid or not paid.
You can search through all claims made by Mr Gaffney.
Alternatively, you can search for all claims made by Mr Gaffney in each financial year. This information can then be expanded to view the individual claims, and exported to a spreadsheet.
The spreadsheets are available for download from the top right-hand corner of the webpage.
The FOIA states that information that is accessible by other means is not subject to release. Therefore, as the information you have requested is already available on our website, it is exempt from disclosure under section 21 of the FOIA (information accessible to applicant by other means).
This concludes our response to your request.
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- Ref:
- CAS-146202
- Disclosure:
- 18 July 2019
- Categories:
- Exemptions Applied: