MPs' staffing numbers


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information

1. Total number of staff employed by MP’s for each year of the past 5 years (excluding interns)

2. Number of new staff working for MP’s for each year of the past 5 years (excluding interns)

3. Number of members of staff leaving the employment of MP’s for each year in the past five years (excluding interns)

4. Median length of time members of staff were employed by an MP in each year for the past 5 years (excluding interns)


IPSA holds the information that you request.

Under the Scheme of MPs' Business Costs and Expenses ('the Scheme'), staffing costs may be claimed to meet the cost of staff who support MPs in performing their parliamentary functions. IPSA provides model contracts and job descriptions for all staff employed by MPs, the specific conditions of which (such as pay and annual leave entitlement) can be set by the employing MP, usually within bands specified by IPSA.

Our response to your questions can be found at Annex A.

Annex A - Number of staff employed by an MP in the last five years

YearNumber of staff employed by an MP (excl Interns)Number of new staffNumber of staff leavingMedian Length of time in employment
2014-1539218608833.53 years
2015-164923188519251.65 years
2016-174006100810012.81 years
2017-184552154814192.14 years
2018-1940779448921.77 years

31 March 2019
Exemptions Applied: