Contingency applications made by MPs for tribunal costs


  1. How many cases have you had where an MP has asked for "contingency" funds to pay for tribunal costs.  Please provide a break down for the last five years.

  2. In each case, I would like to know the total amount given (and requested if it's different).

  3. In each case, I would like to know the name of the MP who applied for the money.

  4. If possible, brief details about the nature of the case.


Under the Scheme of MPs’ Business Costs and Expenses (‘the Scheme’), MPs may apply for a contingency payment for costs which are not covered by the Scheme or where they expect to exceed a particular budget. Contingency funding has been available under the Scheme since IPSA was established in 2010.

Applications are considered by the Contingency Panel who assess whether there are exceptional circumstances warranting extra support and whether the MP could reasonably have been expected to take any action to avoid the circumstances which gave rise to the expenditure or liability.

Employment practices liability (EPL) insurance provides coverage to employers against claims made by employees alleging employment-related issues. Should such claims be heard by a tribunal, associated costs may be covered by this insurance. MPs can purchase EPL insurance directly from providers and claim the cost of the premiums from their Office Cost budget. We would not approve contingency funding for MPs who had not opted to purchase EPL insurance – this has been the case since 2010.

Unfortunately, to search all contingency applications made since 2010 would exceed the appropriate cost limit of £450 (part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Freedom of Information Act). However, we have conducted a search of all applications back to 2015 and have not located any which meet the criteria specified in your request.

27 November 2017
Exemptions Applied:
Cost limit