Contract and bidding documents relating to IPSA's Managed IT Support Service tender
Please can I raise a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for a copy of the final contract, all respondents tender documents, relevant pricing documents from all bidders and the detailed evaluation criteria relating to the following IPSA OJEU tender exercise ‘IPSA - Managed Support Service Solution’ the ITT was issued 7/5/2016.
IPSA holds the information that you have requested.
Please use the links below to view the detailed evaluation criteria and the final contract entered into between IPSA and Vysiion Limited dated 5 October 2016. Some parts of that contract have been redacted.
The remainder of the information sought by your request has been withheld.
Information has been withheld in reliance on Section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This is because it is information, the disclosure of which would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of IPSA and/or Vysiion Limited. We consider that the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it.
The contract was entered into following a competitive process that concluded very recently. Bids were submitted to that process that contained information about how individual bidders proposed to deliver the services sought by IPSA, in terms of models of service delivery and pricing. The successful bidder has informed us that the process was conducted in a highly competitive market and given that, and the fact that the information contained within the bids is relatively new, it is considered that disclosure of the bids and the elements of the contract that contain commercially sensitive information would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of the bidders and IPSA in securing the most advantageous terms possible for the delivery of Managed Hardware Support Services. As such, the exemption contained in Section 43(2) of the Act is engaged.
Whilst it is accepted that information as to the nature and value of the contracts entered into by IPSA is in the public interest it is considered that this interest has been met by the publication of details of the contract on our website and by the information that has been disclosed in response to your request. It is also in the public interest that the commercial interests of IPSA and organisations bidding to provide services to IPSA are protected from risk of prejudice particularly after the conclusion of a recent competitive process.
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- Ref:
- CAS-62878
- Disclosure:
- 29 November 2016
- Categories:
- Exemptions Applied:
- Section 43