MPs who employ relatives


Please provide the names of MPs who employ relatives of other MPs in their constituency or Westminster offices. Please also provide the name of the relative of the other MP, who the other MP is, and their relation.

For example, if MPa employs the husband/wife/brother/sister/son/daughter/etc of MPb in their constituency or Westminster office, please provide the names of MPa, MPb, the relative, and their relation to MPb.


IPSA does not hold the information that you request.

The MPs’ Scheme of Business Costs and Expenses (‘the Scheme’) defines the term ‘connected party’ as:

  1. A spouse, civil partner or cohabiting partner of the member;

  2. parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece of the member or of a spouse, civil partner or cohabiting partner of the member; or

  3. a body corporate, a firm or a trust with which the MP is connected as defined in section 252 of the Companies Act 2006.

As IPSA does not include relatives of other MPs under its definition of ‘connected party’, we do not hold a specific record of the employment of such individuals.  IPSA therefore does not hold the information requested.

18 April 2013
Exemptions Applied: