Information on professional background of MPs


Statistics on how many MPs there are from all parties in parliament and of those, please tell me how many came from a financial/banking background.


I can confirm that IPSA holds information relating to MPs and the political party they are a member of. The UK Parliament website already publishes some of the information you are seeking. A list of MPs and the political party they belong to can be found here and the current state of the parties, giving you statistics on the number of MPs per party can be found here. The information you have requested is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 21 of the FOIA (information accessible to applicant by other means) because the information can be searched and located through the UK Parliament website.

IPSA does not hold any information relating to the second part of your request regarding the number of MPs that came from a financial or banking background. As a paying agent for salaries, business costs and expenses only, we do not hold information on the background or employment history of MPs.

You asked us to transfer this request to the relevant public body if we did not hold the information you are seeking. In accordance with the Section 45 Code of Practice, we have contacted the Freedom of Information team at the House of Commons to transfer the request. However, they have informed us that the House of Commons Authorities do not hold biographical information relating to individual MPs prior to the date they were elected as MPs.

13 February 2012
Exemptions Applied:
Section 21