Details of IPSA's staff expenses


Under FOI please can I request the following information:

  • Senior staff business costs for Quarter 2 of 2010 and Quarter 3 to date?

  • Please explain why Q2 senior staff business costs for Q2 have not yet been published on the IPSA website?

  • Please supply a copy of the expenses policy for ISPA staff, board members and advisors.

  • Please supply detailed data on expenses claimed by all IPSA staff for 2010 to date: Please breakdown by role, the amount claimed and the nature of the expense.

  • Please state if any IPSA staff have had expenses rejected, the reasons for rejection, the amounts rejected and the nature of the expense that was attempted to be claimed.


I can confirm that IPSA holds the information that falls within the description specified in your request.

Please find attached to this letter the following documents:

IPSA Board and senior staff business costs for Quarter 3 of this financial year will be published in January and information about these is therefore exempt under Section 22 (information intended for future publication) of the FOIA.

IPSA staff have not submitted expenses claims that have been rejected.

You asked why IPSA had not yet published its business expenses for the period April – June 2010 on our website. This was due to an administrative oversight and we are committed to publishing these soon after the end of each quarter.

4 November 2010
Exemptions Applied:
Section 22