Name of supplier and service provided in claim for professional services by Debbie Abrahams MP


Regarding the expenses claim made by Debbie Abrahams on 31/07/13, reference number 287909, of £2,099.59 for "professional services", please provide me with any of the following information you can:

Who the money was paid to.

What service they provided.


IPSA holds the information that you request.

Part of your requests asked for the name of the individual or company the money was paid to.  We have interpreted your FOI requests to ask for the names of the individuals or companies the services were provided by.

Please find at Annex A the information you have requested relating to the request listed above, accompanied by the information already published on our website describing each claim.

It should be noted that IPSA pays claims for business costs and expenses by a variety of methods – by reimbursement to the MP, via the payment card and direct to the supplier – and, therefore, not all payments are made direct to suppliers.

Information published on our website, and information released under your requests

FOI request referenceMP NameClaim numberDetailsSupplierService/product provided
F1314-223Debbie Abrahams287909Communications - July 2013John Ramsden trading as Kalmbloo CommunicationsCommunications and media work - July 2013

14 February 2014
Exemptions Applied: