Top 10 salaries of IPSA staff


how much are the Members of IPSA paid for their valuable services?

Please provide me with the top ten salaries in your organisation?


IPSA holds the information that you request.

Details of remuneration to IPSA Board Members, who are paid a daily rate,  can be found in IPSA’s Annual Report and Accounts.  You can find these reports on our website by following this link.

In relation to salaries for senior staff within IPSA, we adopt an approach similar to that used within the civil service and provide – in £5,000 bands - details of salaries over £58,200.  This is equivalent to the Senior Civil Service minimum pay band.  Please find below a table listing the number of corresponding salaries of employees paid through the IPSA payroll.   This does not include temporary members of staff or secondees whose salary is paid by the departments from which they are seconded.  Details of all staff at Director level or above are published each year in our Annual Report and can be found on our website by using the link above.

Pay above £58,200, in bands of £5,000Number of IPSA staff paid
£58,200 – 63,1991
£63,200 – 68,1990
£68,200 – 73-1992
£73,200 – 78,1990
£78,200 – 83,1990
£83,200 – 88,1990
£88,200 – 93,1990
£93,200 – 98,1990
£98,200 – 103,1990
£103,200 – 108,1991
£108,200 -0

Six further salaries, all of which are below the £58,200 level, fall within the IPSA salary range for Band E, which is between £46,460 and £61,600.  These six salaries all represent roles less senior to those paid above the Senior Civil Service minimum pay band of £58,200.  As such, while there is a greater public interest in disclosing the salaries of senior individuals, IPSA’s view is that it would be unfair to publish the salaries of individuals employed in less senior roles as they may be identified from their personal data being released, which may in turn give significant personal information about that individual.

Section 40(2) provides that personal data about third parties is exempt information if one of the conditions set out in section 40(3) is satisfied. Under the FOI Act disclosure of this information would breach the fair processing principle (Principle 1) of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), where it would be unfair to those persons or is confidential. For further information, you may wish to visit the UK Legislation website.

8 January 2014
Exemptions Applied:
Section 40