Lorely Burt MP and claims for mortgage interest payments


Lorely Burt MP continued to claim interest payments on a mortgage from May to September 2010.

Pertaining to this expenses claim did Lorely Burt follow the rules set down for such mortgage interest claims namely:

  • Pay any capital appreciation in the property - subject to the expenses claim - which occurred  between May 2010 and September 2010?

  • If no payment has been made has Lorely Burt submitted an independent surveyor valuation for the property indicating that there was no increase in the capital value of the property between May and September 2010?

  • Was the expenses claim pertaining to a second home of Lorely Burt and was the property located in constituency or London?’


IPSA holds the information that you request.

As you will be aware, IPSA abolished the mortgage interest subsidy available to MPs when introducing the new MPs’ Scheme of Business Costs and Expenses (‘the Scheme’) in 2010.  The new Scheme contained transitional arrangements for returning MPs, including a process to recoup for the taxpayer an appropriate level of any capital gain made, details of which are available on our website.  These arrangements can be found at Annex A of the Scheme via this link to the latest edition of the Scheme published on our website.

These arrangements expired in August 2012.  Details relating to the repayment of any capital gain are published on our website, which is available via this link to the published mortgage interest data on our publication website.

The MPs’ Scheme of Business Costs and Expenses does not provide for a ‘second home’.  Under the provisions of the Scheme, non-London MPs may claim for accommodation expenditure to meet costs necessarily incurred on overnight accommodation which is required for the performance of their parliamentary functions.  This may be in relation to a property at one location, either in the London area or within their constituency (or within 20 miles of any point in the constituency).  In line with our publication policy, we have published the first part of the postcode for the property for which mortgage interest was claimed on our website.  You can find this information through the link provided above.

2 June 2013
Exemptions Applied: