IPSA's operations


  1. How many people work for IPSA?

  2. What was the annual salary cost of IPSA for the year 2012?

  3. How much was paid as expenses to IPSA staff in the year 2012?

  4. What costs other than salary and expenses were incurred by IPSA in the year 2012?


IPSA holds the information that you request.

  • How many people work for IPSA?

As of the end of April 2013, the number of staff working for IPSA was 42.  This figure includes those staff members being paid through IPSA’s payroll and excludes IPSA’s Board, those on secondment and those engaged through recruitment agencies.

  • What was the annual salary cost of IPSA for the year 2012?

We publish the annual salary cost as part of our Annual Report and Accounts.  We will be publishing the information that you request in our Annual Report and Accounts for 2012/13 on our website in July 2013.  When the report is published, you will be able to access it via this link to the IPSA publications section of our website.  Therefore, as we already intend to publish the information you have requested on our website, IPSA has taken the view that the information you have requested is exempt under Section 22(1) of the FOIA (Information intended for future publication).

We have considered whether the public interest in releasing the information outweighs the application of the exemption. It is our view that the public interest is best served by publishing information relating to our annual accounts at an agreed point in time, rather than on an ad hoc basis.  Our view is that this provides a clear and complete set of information, available to all members of the public.  It is for these stated reasons that the application of the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure.

  • How much was paid as expenses to IPSA staff in the year 2012?

IPSA staff members may claim for the reimbursement of reasonable expenses necessarily incurred when undertaking IPSA business, in accordance with the rules as set out in IPSA’s expenses policy and procedures for IPSA staff.  The total figure paid in relation to IPSA staff for the 2012/13 financial year was £1,825.98.

  • What costs other than salary and expenses were incurred by IPSA in the year 2012?

As referred to previously, the details of our accounts for 2012/13 will be published in July 2013 on our website at the location provided above.

21 May 2013
Exemptions Applied:
Section 22