Details of any arrangement with the Government Car Service


Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request details of any contract or arrangement which exists between Ipsa and the government car service, how much such a contract or arrangement is costing, and which Ipsa personnel are entitled to use such a service and for what purposes.


You requested information relating to transport contracts held by IPSA. Your request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). I can confirm that IPSA does hold information relevant to your request but that certain information is exempt from disclosure. 

Such contracts with transport providers as IPSA holds are to provide assistance to Members of Parliament. The provision of such assistance is considered on a case by case basis. In IPSA’s view, this information is exempt under section 40 of the FOIA (personal information) as the information constitutes third party data. Section 40(2) provides that personal data about third parties is exempt information if one of the conditions set out in section 40(3)(i) is satisfied. (Please see Under the FOI Act disclosure of this information would breach the fair processing principle contained in the Data Protection Act (DPA), where it would be unfair to that person or is confidential and therefore the condition under section 40(3)(i) is satisfied. 

I can confirm that IPSA holds no contracts with the Government Car Service or any other transport provider for use by any of IPSA’s staff.

19 November 2010
Exemptions Applied:
Section 40